Pseudonymization Webinar Summary and Replay

Top five action items from the Pseudonymization Webinar

Under Schrems II, You cannot enable lawful processing by updating SCCs alone.
You must implement technical supplementary measures that make processing “surveillance proof” under US and other third-country laws.
The EDPB and the EDPS recommend Pseudonymization as the most promising technical supplementary measure for Schrems II compliance.
With Pseudonymization software, you can lawfully engage in:
  • Cloud-based processing
  • Advanced computation, analytics and AI
  • Multi-territory talent analytics
The majority of the audience was unaware that Schrems II compliant technical supplementary measures existed. While enabling compliance, Anonos Data Embassy Pseudonymization software delivers 100% accuracy (compared to processing unprotected cleartext) and 16x improved productivity.
Key Highlights
indicated the webinar helped them better understand how Pseudonymization was redefined under the GDPR, as clarified by the EDPS, EDPB, ENISA and EU Commission
said that leveraging international data transfer in the form of public cloud (principally US operated) capabilities is a priority for their organisation in 2022
indicated that their organisation has not implemented Technical Supplementary Measures to protecting data when in use as required under Schrems II. Of the firms that wanted to implement technical controls protecting data in use but did not:

41% said it wasn’t clear to them before the webinar what was needed to comply with Schrems II requirements to protect data when in use

59% said they felt that they understood the requirements but could not find Schrems II / GDPR-compliant solutions to protect data when in use
Full Webinar Replay
Presentation Slides
Slide - 1/31
Learn how Pseudonymization can solve Schrems II challenges
Schrems II and Pseudonymization
How to join the 'Schrems II & Pseudonymization' LinkedIn Group
Memorandum on Pseudonymization Submitted for EDPB Public Consultation on Guidelines 05/2021
EDPB & EDPS Recommend GDPR Pseudonymization for Schrems II Compliant Technical Supplementary Measure
No Processing Value Created by Encryption
Surveillance Proof Cloud Processing
Limitations of Pre-GDPR Pseudonymization
Stetic Tokenisation and Indirect Identifiers Enable Unauthorised Re-identification via the Mosaic Effect
GDPR Pseudonymization Requires Dynamic Assignment of Different Identifiers to Protect Data
GDPR Pseudonymization Complements Encryption
Maturity of Technical Controls to Protect Data When in Use Determines Schrems II Compliance Strategy
GDPR Pseudonymization Enables Schrems II Compliance for Majority of Cloud Use Cases
Other Legal Benefits of GDPR Pseudonymization
Business Benefits of GDPR Pseudonymization
Our Solution = Anonos Data Embassy® GDPR Pseudonymization Software
Data Embassy Leverages Your Subject Matter Expertise
Unique Global Advantages
Accuracy, Adequacy and Practicality?
New Standard Contractual Clauses and Schrems II Compliance
New SCC on Art. 28 GDPR
New SCC on Art. 46 GDPR
New SCC on Art. 46 GDPR
Open Questions
Transfer Impact Assessment
EDPB Guidelines 05/21
EDPB Guidelines 05/21
EDPB - Legal Study on China, Russia & India
Prof. Dr. Michael Schmidl
Learn how Pseudonymization can solve Schrems II challenges
Resources to achieve lawful borderless data
Quick Read Briefings
In-Depth Resources
Top 8 Misconceptions
Executive & Board Risk Assessment Framework
New Technology Controls Required
Memorandum to EDPB
Technical Supplementary Measures Webinar
Legal Solutions Guidebook
Presenting Risk Exposure to the C-Suite & Board Webinar
Anonos Solution Page
Implementation Workshop
IDC Report on Schrems II
LinkedIn Group
Pseudonymization Blog
Top 8 Misconceptions
Top 8 Misconceptions
A number of serious misconceptions about the impact of Schrems II still remain, which makes it hard for organisations to comply.

This PDF download contains an explanation of the Top 8 Misconceptions surrounding Schrems II so that your organisation can eliminate misunderstandings to move forward. Downloadable and web versions are available.
Read More >
Schrems II Legal Solutions Guidebook
Schrems II Legal Solutions Guidebook
The Schrems II Legal Solutions Guidebook is a critical asset for legal and privacy advisors working on GDPR and Schrems II compliance issues.

The Guidebook, which has been downloaded over 2,200 times, covers the key legal aspects and benefits of SCC-based Schrems II compliance, as well as a checklist, templates, and practical steps for organisations to follow.
Download >
Implementation Workshop
Schrems II workshop covering Implementation Roadmap & Legal Benefits, for organisations to understand how to implement Schrems II Supplementary Measures for SCCs. Over 2000 GCs, CPOs, DPOs, and Outside Legal Counsel participated from over 1700 companies across over 50 countries. To ensure you don't miss out on valuable information, a replay of this workshop is available for you.
Watch Replay > Implementation Workshop
LinkedIn Group
This LinkedIn group focuses on GDPR Pseudonymization as highlighted by the EDPS and the EDPB as the most promising supplemental measure for Schrems II compliance. Also, visit for more information on Pseudonymization.
Join Group > LinkedIn Group
Anonos Solution Page
Anonos offers a technology solution that provides technical Supplementary Measures for Schrems II compliance. Explore Anonos GDPR-Pseudonymization technology, so that you can support your organisation or clients towards a compliant solution. Only Anonos delivers three critical requirements for achieving a Defensible Business Position: Schrems II compliant Supplementary Measures and GDPR-compliant Pseudonymization to future-proof Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs).
View Solution > Anonos Solution Page
IDC Report on Schrems II
This IDC report explains how Anonos’ BigPrivacy software is well placed to satisfy the Schrems II requirements for appropriate safeguards by creating pseudonymized versions of personal data (Variant Twins).

The IDC report covers the development of Anonos BigPrivacy, use cases, an explanation of Anonos' state-of-the-art Pseudonymization technology, and market applicability of the solution. Read this IDC report to find out how Anonos technology can help you.
Read Report >
Pseudonymization Blog
Pseudonymization Blog
A timely collection of articles and perspectives that you will not find elsewhere. This content reflects topical issues gleaned from meetings and interactions with companies, regulators, legislators, and non-governmental organisations related to SCC-based compliance with Schrems II requirements.
Read Blog >
Pseudonymization is at the core of the Data Embassy principles, and is newly-redefined in the GDPR. Find out more about the importance of Pseudonymization, as recommended by the EDPB as a Schrems II solution for protecting data in use, and how its application can help your organisation.
Read More > Pseudonymization
Executive & Board Risk Assessment Framework
This framework covers the crucial issues we address when working with these organisations to evaluate the ability to establish an immediately defensible position in compliance with Schrems II.
Read More >
New Technology Controls Required
Relying on “Words Alone” by updating contracts and hoping for treaties produces unsustainable operations because no contract or treaty will remove the need for new technology controls to protect data when in use.

This Briefing covers how Anonos technology solves international cross-border legal challenges, enabling the highest data protection levels, accuracy, and utility on a global scale by complying with recommendations by the EDPB for GDPR-compliant Pseudonymization.
Read More >
Webinar: Presenting Risk Exposure to the C-Suite & Board
Schrems II risk mitigation strategies for Boards of Directors and C-Suite, and organisations are critically needed. View this webinar to find out what the risks are, and what steps you need to take next to brief your executive team and board members.
Watch Replay > Webinar: Presenting Risk Exposure to the C-Suite & Board
Webinar: Technical Supplementary Measures
Webinar Replay: Watch the replay of the webinar in which 3,200+ from 2,300+ companies across 50 countries participated. Schrems II Webinar: Technical Supplementary Measures Surviving and Thriving Under Schrems II.
Watch Replay > Webinar: Technical Supplementary Measures
Memorandum to EDPB
Read Pseudonymization memo submitted to the EDPB in connection with public consultation 05/2021
Read > Memorandum to EDPB