AI Data Security with Anonos Data Embassy

Empower your AI projects with protected and accurate data.

Illustration of Anonos Data Embassy's secure AI lifecycle stages, emphasizing AI data security
Eliminate Friction and Scale Your AIOps While Retaining Last Mile Accuracy
Data is the cornerstone of AI, but sensitivity, access issues, and quality constraints limit its use. Anonos Data Embassy allows you to simplify, automate, and accelerate sensitive data processing without the utility tradeoff.
Protect & accelerate time to data Accelerate project launch and data access times from months to minutes by applying robust protection to sensitive data at every stage of its lifecycle
Increase performance and quality Enhance AI inference and retain the analytical value of your data by using non-biased, high-fidelity data products
Achieve excellence in the last mile Ensure secure re-linking to original data in last mile phases to apply data-driven insights in practical, customer-facing initiatives
Streamline data security governance Automate compliance, policy enforcement, and data privacy assessments to save time, effort, and resources
Anonos helped us conduct predictive analytics and test our hypotheses while keeping customer data secure. We have found it to be a useful solution for our data science team to simplify data access and focus on our data projects, machine learning model optimizations, and testing new ideas. Dr. Sören Erdweg, Artificial Intelligence & Data Development at Provinzial
Using Anonos has been a transformative step in our internal model development. It acted as a catalyst in enhancing data privacy and utility, helped us expand our use cases, and enabled us to proactively prepare for regulatory changes, delivering time and cost savings. Enrico Bagli, Data Science and Innovation Manager at CRIF
Protected & Accurate Data at Every Stage of the AI Lifecycle
Data Embassy is a data-centric security platform that preserves data utility while ensuring its protection and compliance. By creating Variant Twins® - secure yet accurate transformations of the original data - Data Embassy enables easy and safe data access, sharing, and processing throughout the AI lifecycle.
Illustration of how Anonos Data Embassy ensures data security in AI lifecycle stages such as testing, production, and development.
Model Selection
Model Selection
Simulate realistic and reliable test data from scratch
Training, Validation & Tuning
Training, Validation & Tuning
Train with high-accuracy anonymous data
Accurate inference without re-identification risks
Controllably re-link to original data in the last mile
End-to-End AI Data Security
  • Compatible with major data platforms
  • Integrate on-premise or in the cloud
  • Command Line, API, or GUI interface
  • Secure re-linking for personalized data use cases

Reference architecture showing data flow in AI secured by Anonos Data Embassy.
Enable Emerging Gen AI Use Cases
Harness the full benefits of emerging Gen AI without the risk of data leakage with Data Embassy’s Prompt*, RAG Vector, and Tuning Protection. Protect trade secrets & IP in highly untrusted environments, delivering AI data security and unparalleled performance for your Gen AI tools.

  • Set and approve Common De-Identification configuration for Fine-tuning, RAG, and Prompts

  • Retain exclusive control over Controlled Relinking of Responses - safely share data with third parties

Flow chart illustrating how Anonos Data Embassy provides data security in Generative AI through RAG vector protection, prompt protection, and tuning protection.
Solutions & Case Studies
Anonos Prompt Protector
Anonos Prompt Protector

Predictive Analytics on Synthetic Insurance Data
Predictive Analytics on Synthetic Insurance Data
Privacy-Preserving Credit Scoring Models
Privacy-Preserving Credit Scoring Models
Embark on a Data Innovation Journey