Are consumers waking up to the value of personal data and the importance of keeping it secured?
My generation and the generation if I can say so behind me is doing so because yeah, we were brought up with computers in the digital age. And we do understand also the dangers. I think also once again, we have much more in schools, they're stressing on awareness sessions. So there, with that, my generation and the generation behind me, we really see that they start, that they care, and that they make conscious decisions on how they, they want to, for example, share their data by using cookies and things like that.
When it comes to other generations or other people there, I see that honestly, they do not, they aren't that aware, but also because I think they do not understand. And I say that with all due respect, but they don't see the entire danger behind and the ways of, for example, in AD tech - data transfer, and data process, and real time bidding happens. And I think a lot of people still think that, for example, the fact that they receive ads on their Facebook profiles, that is sort of coincident, or it was because she just went to that site, but they have no idea of the entire process behind that. And we see that a lot when people come down with I don't have anything to hide. And I don't think that data protection or privacy is about what you want to hide or not want to hide. But it's the fact indeed what companies, banks, for example, or ad tech companies can do with your data. And if we don't get aware, and don't push them into the fact that they have to be ethical about it. That can be, of course, it can have some consequences. And I don't think everybody is that aware.